Did some carport cleaning and found an old hatchet I had for a really long time simply laying around gathering dust so I chose to accomplish something fun with it. I've for a long time needed a Handmade viking axe so I realized that was something I needed to do.
This is the means by which the old the axe looked like when I tracked down it. Don't have the foggiest idea about the brand of this hatchet however I'm almost certain it's anything but an extremely extravagant hatchet.
This is the means by which it looks like when wrapped up. I most likely spent around 10 hours all out dealing with it and this is my most memorable uniquely viking axe constructed so I'm simply a beginner which implies anybody can do this with a few essential devices available to them.
Alright, so first I did some exploration on the web and took a gander at various viking axe and when I had enought of thoughts on how I needed it I did some representations on a piece of paper until I was content with my plan. Then I just transfered it to the old hatchet and began to cut. Utilize a point processor to cut the steel, simply ensure you cool the axe frequently in water so it dosen't get to hot.
At the point when all the slicing is done now is the right time to streamline everything. I utilized a sanding fold circle. Try to cool the viking axe head frequently while crushing pretty much well hot super quick.
After a ton of slicing and crushing I needed to make the hatchet head look overall quite gleaming. I initially began with a scotch brite associated with a standard drill. When wrapped up with the drill I utilized an air sander to dispose of any more profound scratches on the head.